Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

          Hello reader! We are the fourth year Bachelor of English Language and Literature students and currently taking ENGL 4740 Computer Application in Language Studies. Our group consist of three members which are:

Jasmine Jubilin

Nor Adilah binti Ishak

Rasyidah Othman

          By making this blog, we will be sharing with all of you the information that we gather in class related to the subject specifically and also the subject that we decided to study which is Pscyholinguistics. The reason why we choose this subject is because we want to explore more about Psycholinguistics not only from western view but also from Islamic perspective.
Our hope is that all the information that we posted will benefits us and all the readers. Happy reading! :)

Monday, 15 April 2013

Revised Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

Teachers’ name:          Jasmine binti Jubilin
                                   Nor Adilah binti Ishak
                                   Rasyidah binti Othman
Target students:          CFS IIUM students
Subject:          Grammar
   Topic:          Types of sentence based on function.


Introduction to four types of sentence.

Work previously covered/prior understanding:

This is the first lesson of the module
Learning Objectives:

Students will identify and explain different parts of a sentence. Students will use the different parts of a sentence to construct declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentence. Students will identify and differentiate between dependent and independent clauses.

Subject Knowledge and Skills:

(including Subject specific vocabulary)
The 4 major text types: Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative and Exclamative.

Assessment Methods:

Student Feedback
Question and answer
Teaching and learning strategies to be used:



Textbook, internet


10 mins

Starter Activity:

Introduction to class, and to new module.
4 main text types of sentences based on its function.


The teachers will explain about the four types of the sentences. After that, teachers will use student generated questions help students learn how to grasp the ideas of the sentence structure. Teacher will use textbook to teach the four different sentence structures. Students will have a handout with one example of each of the four sentence structures. After that, the teachers will ask the students to do some exercises from the internet.


-          Put students into groups. Students will decide their roles. Each group should come up with one example of each kind of sentence structure.
-          One student from each group will write their sentences on the whiteboard.
-          Discuss and review the components of each sentence structure. Explain how the sentence adheres to the rules for the particular sentence structure.
-          Do the exercises from the link given.

Homework (if applicable):

When to be submitted:   .....................................                           and marked:  ......................................
Evaluation (A):  How appropriate and successful were the learning objectives?

Evaluation (B):  How appropriate and successful were the teaching and learning strategies?

Targets for next lesson:

Types of Sentences
1. Declarative

·         (SV.)
·         When make the statement.
·         Doesn’t make any comma or question mark.
·         Give information or facts.
·         Eg:
I had nasi lemak for breakfast.

2. Interrogative

·         (VS?)
·         To get information / to ask question.
·         Using question mark. (?)
·         Tone is important.
·         The answer must be ‘yes’ or ‘no’: using auxiliary words.
·         Eg:
The test will include in chapter 1. (declarative)
Will the test include chapter 1? (interrogative)
·         WH question
-          Require answer.
-          Long answer rather than ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

3. Imperative

-          ( [S]V. / ! )
-          Common / direction / instruction.
-          Eg:
Pass up your assignment.
·         In exam paper:
Fill in the blank.
·         Add please / politeness.
·         Eg:
Clean up the mess.
Switch on the air-cond.
Keep of the grass.

4. Exclamatory

·         (SV!)
·         To show excitement.
·         Use exclamation mark. (!)
·         Eg:
Well done!

You have a nice house. (declarative)
What a nice house you have. (exclamatory)

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Group Discussion 2

1. How has CMC transform the dynamic of interaction?

CMC is a communication that takes place between human beings via the instrumentality of computers. CMC has changes the dynamic of interaction. There are many computer applications that can be found nowadays. The applications such social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and also instant messenger such as Yahoo Messenger, Skype are user friendly and attractive which make people love to use it as a mediator in discussing about anything with other people. This shows that CMC indeed has change the dynamic of interaction.

2. How has this transformation shape society?

            In shaping the society, CMC has plays its own role. As we all know CMC has connected the users with other people through the applications as mention earlier. The users can connect with each other no matter how far they apart or what language they use. Moreover, the users can learn about other people through CMC. In a way, it helps people to learn and respect other people regardless of who they are. 

3. Is this mode of communication in sync with Islam?

            Computer mediated communication is synchronize with Islamic rules and teaching as long as the users did not misuse the applications provided. The users have to know what are the best things to be talked or to be discussed about with other users using CMC. Islam teaches us to be a good people by talking with good words, sharing good knowledge and so on. By using CMC, all of the knowledge can be spread to other people. This makes CMC is in sync with what Islam wants the believers to do.