Q (1). Reflect on your experience in the linguistic course that you have chosen as the theme of your blog?
A (1). CALL is interdisciplinary in nature. And it draws itself on psychology and Second Language Acquisition (SLA). From Skinner's Behaviorist learning theory, to Communicative theory and up until Integrative CALL theory; all these theories share the same aim and that is, to explain what happens when learning occurs.
Q (2). Relate the concepts in the three steps to that experience.
A (2).The field of CALL involves the use of a computer in the language learning process. And CALL programs aims to teach aspects of the language learning process through the medium of the computer. The first phase of CALL was based on the then-dominant behaviorist theory where the programs of this phase entailed repetitive language drills (also referred to as "drill and kill"), Drill and practice coursework sees the computer as a mechanical tutor for the learners. The second phase of CALL however, was based on the communicative approach of teaching; . Communicative CALL theorist felt that the drill and practice programs did not allow enough authentic communication to the learners; the behaviorist only focus and look at the forms themselves rather than focusing more on using the forms and this does not encourage the students to generate their own utterances rather than manipulate the fabricated language that was being learned.
Q (3). Discuss how the concept in the three stages of CALL are relevant to SLA theories and practices.
A (3). Second Language Learning (SLA) is the study of how a second language is acquired by a learner. And it involves a conscious process (learning) and a subconscious process (acquisition). For example, if a student lacks the motivation and the right attitude in learning a language, the student might looks at things differently and the importance in learning a language would be dealt with in an uninteresting manner. All the three stages of CALL suggest to SLA theory that every language learner has a different way of acquiring a language and that different CALL stages can be used for the language learning process to occur. Therefore, in teaching second language learners how to learn, the three CALL stages can help facilitate the learning process and promote learner autonomy that can make language learning more meaningful for the second language learners (the learners can equip themselves with knowledge, skills and competencies that will enable them to take responsibility for their own learning).
Q (1). Did the course incorporate the use of computer in the teaching and learning?
A (1). Yes, psycholinguistic incorporates the use of computer in the teaching and learning.
Q (2). Are the computer-based activities related to any of the three stages of CALL?
A (2). Yes, all the three stages of it.
Q (3). What are the important concepts in the three stages related to the activities?
A (3).
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