Sunday, 7 April 2013

Overall Reflection

Alhamdulillah praise to Allah SWT now we have come to the final post of our blog which is the overall reflection. Million of thanks to our lecturer Dr Rozina for the guidance, love and passion in teaching us. May Allah shower His bless upon our beloved Dr. Rozina. Truthfully, at first we thought that this assignment that she asks us to do will be burdensome and tiring. However, after we managed to complete all of the assignments, we realized that the reason why she wants us to do this blog is she wants us to understand better about what we have learnt in class. In addition, in the end of this project we managed to instill the Islamization of Knowledge not only in the courses that we took but also in the current issues that happened around us.

We also agree that by submitting the assignments online, it do help us to save our time and money as well. Plus, it is an excellence way to share the knowledge and information not only for our classmates but also to the readers outside there.

Through this project, we also realized that teamwork is essential in completing the task.This task really tested our ability to cooperate in finishing the task given and try to grasp the essence of the subject within stipulated time.  We learn that one should bear the responsibility not only as a student but also as a slave of Allah. As Allah mention in the first ayah, Iqra (read).

Last but not least, in the end of this blog project, we realized that we as Muslim students, studying Western and Secular course have the obligation to be able to bring out the best of both worlds. As mention in the benefits of CALL in learning language, students will be able to gain higher order thinking whereby they must filter and synthesize the knowledge and information that they gathered before they agree and follow the knowledge.

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