Tuesday 9 April 2013

Graded Assignment 2: Part 1

Part 1: Summary on 1 empirical research

 Computer mediated communication (CMC) divided into 2 parts which are synchronous and asynchronous communication. CMC or Computer Mediated Communication is defined as any communicative transaction that occurs through the use of two or more networked computers. While the term has traditionally referred to those communications that occur via computer-mediated formats (e.g., instant messages, e-mails, chat rooms), it has also been applied to other forms of text-based interaction such as text messaging. On the other hand, YouTube is one of the components of computer mediated communication and it falls under asynchronous communication. YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share videos. Most videos enable users to leave comments and these have attracted attention for the negative aspect of both their form and content. YouTube started as a video sharing but later on it also enable the users to communicate with each other through “channel page” and “friending”. This article explores how video sharing can support the social network by facilitating socialization among friends.

            This article view and examines how YouTube through video sharing and user commenting on the video reflected on CMC in a broad sense. And also how circulating and sharing videos reflects different social relationships among youth. YouTube comments have been defined as an asynchronous form of CMC which is, more specifically, mediated by the Internet. When approaching YouTube comments, we can narrow the scope of CMC even further, labelling it as Web site mediated communication (WSMC). The communication mainly takes place between users from various socio-cultural contexts within the text comments section of the video page which represents the medium. The user-generated content interacts with the users and depending on their use purposes it leads to the creation of actualized outcome, the crossing point of their desired outcome and the real effect of communication. YouTube video comments are specifically devised to fit their primary purpose –commenting on uploaded videos. They have certain extra features on the one hand and some limitations on the other hand which need to be addressed in order to better understand what is going on when users use the video comments platform. First of all, the video comments are not the only way for users to interact via text on YouTube. There are several other options, each of them fitting for specific communication purposes. These options include channel comments, private messages, stream chat and group posting. A channel is a user profile. Therefore channel comments are the best way to comment on specific users’ videos, playlists, activities and his/her personal description. For sending a private message to a specific user, there exists a Send Message form which makes it possible to contact the addressee without revealing the contact details to the sender. 

And according to Rouse's concept of media circuits (1991), by examining a media circuit, it is possible to understand the important social dynamics among the people who use the media. Because somehow in a relative comprehension, a media circuit  helps members of a social group to stay connected in meaningful ways.  For example, a person may a share  a certain video with a certain group of friends and not the others. This is because in the context of video sharing among the YouTube users, the posting videos that have been shared with the intended individual materially reflects their social configuration of engagement with the other person. Based on a year project, Patricia G. Lange aslo analysed how YouTube participants developed and maintained their social network relationships through the video sharing practice. She discovered two varied degrees of publicness in video sharing that contributes to supporting social configurations; publicly private and privately publicly. Regarding to publicly private behaviour,  the video makers revealed their identities to the public but keeping their video content relatively private and accessible only to a few known friends and families. While the privately public behaviour shared their videos publicly but keeping their identities enclosed from being known or viewed by other users. From these two varied contributes, Patricia G. Lange found that the posting of text comments and video responses proves Rouse's concept of media circuit theory (1991), that media circuit indeed in some way illustrates a particular social network pattern. Not only media circuit helps maintain social networks that already exist but also help create connections and negotiate relationship changes in-person and off-person. Hence proving that video sharing practices helps create new connections and develop social networks both in publicly private behaviour and privately public behaviour. Furthermore, she suggested that YouTube participation involves more than those two strictly varieties, both public and private interactions among users. Based on the one year project too, Patricia G. Lange shows us that expectations about what should be shared or withheld on YouTube vary considerably according to individual needs and according to different types of social relationships that they have among each other.

            To conclude, media circuits are useful to understand how social networks are created, maintained and negotiated in public sites such as YouTube. And intelligent commentary on a video could stimulate a closer social connection between the video maker and the commenter (if the video maker continues to communicate and interact with the commenter). Hence, YouTube plays its role as one of the medium of interacting and communicating in computer mediated communication. YouTube, equal to other social networking sites has showed that video can become an important way for participants to communicate and share their mind and ideas with other people.

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