Sunday, 31 March 2013

Reflection: Corpus Linguistics

Assalamualaikum w.b.t…hello reader! How are you? We hope that you are in the pink of health and showered by the blessings of Allah SWT. Dear reader, do you know what corpus linguistics is? In today’s class, Dr Rozina gives a lecture about what corpus linguistics is all about. A corpus is a collection of samples of a language as used in real life, in writing and/or speech. The importance of corpora to language study is aligned to the importance of empirical data.
What Corpus Linguistics Does
·         Enables the study of wider patterns and collocation of words.
  • Facilitates the study of the second language. Study of the second language with the use of natural language allows the students to get a better “feeling” for the language and learn the language like it is used in real rather than “invented” situations.
What Corpus Linguistics Does Not
  • Does not explain why. The study of corpora tells us what and how happened but it does not tell us why the frequency of a particular word has increased over time for instance.
  • Does not represent the entire language
To summarize, Corpus Linguistics helps the students to learn more about the language. J It is also helps us to understand the meaning of the Al-Quran better. It is important to note that Al-Quran is a book of wisdom and guidance to the real path. In order to become a better Muslim, one should learn and try to understand the real meaning behind the beautiful ayah in Al-Quran J

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