Friday, 1 March 2013

Post 2: The islamization of Psycholinguistics

      In this video, Knowledge in the Light of Islam, Sh. Dr Yasir Qadhi shares with us the importance of knowledge through surah al-Alaq verse 1-5. He says how Allah calls on us to learn all kinds of beneficial knowledge (Islamic knowledge and Secular knowledge) but never forget that the Secular knowledge comes from Allah too. And we should make full benefit of religious knowledge and secular knowledge hand in hand. Dr. yasir Qadhi also shares with us on how Allah taught prophet Adam how to speak, and from that knowledge, all languages are derived. And Allah taught prophet Idris on the usage of the pen, and from that knowledge prophet Idris learnt the art of writing. In short, the main purpose of acquiring knowledge is not only for the sake of knowledge itself but also to bring us closer to Allah.

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