Friday, 22 March 2013

Graded Assignment 1

A. Summary of article on CALL

               The article CALL and the responsibilities of teachers and administrators written by Jeremy F. Jones talks about teachers' role towards the use of CALL in students' learning process. Jones said that if the computer program is undertaken as part of an institutional course, teachers' role will be far from minimal. Teachers would have to provide assistance in a number of way:

  1. Relating units of the program to a taught syllabus and to the individual special needs.
  2. Identifying the right level for the learners.
  3. Helping to select task. For example organizing pairs at each terminal for greater communicative values.
  4. Monitoring progress.
Jones also mentioned about the attitude of teachers seems to be more complex. Regardless of how they are not comfortable with high technology because they might have not grown up with computers unlike their students, they should learn about it because computers is one essential method in learning process nowadays.

B. Lesson Plan

Aim &/or Theme:
Introduction to four types of sentence.

Work previously covered/prior understanding:
This is the first lesson of the module

Learning Objectives:
Must:Be able to define each of the six major text types
Should: Be able to sort examples of text into each category
Could: Think of further examples of text suitable for each category

Subject Knowledge and Skills:
(including Subject specific vocabulary)
The 4 major text types: Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative and exclamative.

Assessment Methods:
Student Feedback
Question and answer
Key Skills (Links with LAC / NAC / ICT)
Working with others
Working individually
S12.revise the stylistic conventions of the main types of non fiction
Thinking skills:

Teaching and learning strategies to be used:

V: Wordsheet starter acivity, visual sources to accompany explanation of text types
A: Oral explanation to reinforce instructions and knowledge
K: Handling a variety of exemplar material
Provision for EAL / SEN / G&T:
Mixed ability pairings
Scaffolding worksheet/extension worksheet for pairs who finish early

Resources:          Staff:
Examples of each text type


Activity                                                                                               References (Staff and Pupil)

10 mins

Starter Activity:
Introduction to class, and to new module.
4 main text types in wordsearch


The 4 Main Text Types

Pupils identify, discuss, explain, and find examples for each of the 4 major text types

Having found all of the words in the wordsearch, take each word and

a)    define it
b)    think of an example of it

15 mins

Working in pairs, pupils have a chart, and different source materials to categorise, and to look for the characteristics that make the text appropriate to its category


Text type bingo: pupils write down four of the eight words written on the board, and cross them off as they are described.First one to call ‘Bingo!’ wins a sweet!

Homework (if applicable):

When to be submitted:   .....................................                           and marked:  ......................................

Evaluation (A):  How appropriate and successful were the learning objectives?

Evaluation (B):  How appropriate and successful were the teaching and learning strategies?

Targets for next lesson:


Types of Sentences
1. Declarative

·         (SV.)
·         When make the statement.
·         Doesn’t make any comma or question mark.
·         Give information or facts.
·         Eg:
I had nasi lemak for breakfast.

2. Interrogative

·         (VS?)
·         To get information / to ask question.
·         Using question mark. (?)
·         Tone is important.
·         The answer must be ‘yes’ or ‘no’: using auxiliary words.
·         Eg:
The test will include in chapter 1. (declarative)
Will the test include chapter 1? (interrogative)
·         WH question
-          Require answer.
-          Long answer rather than ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

3. Imperative

-          ( [S]V. / ! )
-          Common / direction / instruction.
-          Eg:
Pass up your assignment.
·         In exam paper:
Fill in the blank.
·         Add please / politeness.
·         Eg:
Clean up the mess.
Switch on the air-cond.
Keep of the grass.

4. Exclamative

·         (SV!)
·         To show excitement.
·         Use exclamation mark. (!)
·         Eg:
Well done!

You have a nice house. (declarative)
What a nice house you have. (exclamative)

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