Saturday, 16 March 2013

Reflection 5: The Benefits of CALL in Language Skills LSRWG


(i). How can teachers/learners use technological  resources to support learning objectives?
CALL can contribute to enhancing a learner's language grasp on several different levels as it acts both as a tutor and a tool. As a tutor, CALL assumes the role of a teacher for the students, thus . While as a tool, CALL works as an aid for the teacher in a learning environment. For example, using a CALL program, language learners can work at their own pace. They can spend more time on topics they find difficult. And this makes the learner feel in control of their learning progress, thus stimulating a satisfaction for them that increases motivation.

(ii). To what extent do these resources enhance learning?
Using CALL programs, language learners have more personal control over their cognitive load during a lesson hence, thus enriching their learning process more.

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